The immersive space of the metaverse

Currently, the pandemic has been the necessary driver for many companies to bet on digital transformation in the last two years. Consequently, at this time the concept of the metaverse has emerged strongly, which allows us to connect the real world with virtual spaces in which we can enter and live a second life enjoying digital experiences that are real in the sense that they involve activity. , interaction and emotion, and that have more and more infrastructure, such as digital economy, digital identities and decentralized forms of organization.

The metaverse will allow us to attend a cinema, have coffee with acquaintances, visit museums, meet other people through avatars, attend fairs, congresses, conferences, music concerts; review architectural or graphic design schematics; play, visualize organs of the human body from the inside, for example in the medical field, visit or travel, make academic explanations; in a 100% virtual way, but not only that, it can also offer us as many opportunities as the real physical world, with the possibility of creating our own businesses in it, having work meetings in which everyone shares a virtual office as well as making money through through the purchase of virtual land where we can customize the plot that we have bought, advertising our company, showing collections of NTFs, and even being able to rent that same plot.

Various companies have been trying to develop these spaces for years. In 2003 Linden Lab launched a program called Second Life, a virtual world in three dimensions that allows any person to interact through an avatar and thus create their own community on the network. Decentraland, like Second Life, opens the doors to a virtual universe similar to the one offered by Second Life, only that blockchain technology is introduced in it, as well as the immersion of Non-Fungible Tokens for users. In 2020, the company XRSPACE announced the creation of Manova, a virtual world in which it is intended to offer a place with public and private spaces in which to socialize, work, learn and play, all through full-body avatars.



These days the most anticipated metaverse is probably the one Facebook is working on. It is important to remember that Facebook presented Horizon in 2019, a virtual multiplayer universe where users can build, socialize and move between different scenarios. In addition, in August 2021 Zuckerberg’s company presented Horizon Workrooms, a virtual collaboration application that aims to redefine the way we work and be a critical step toward building the metaverse.


As we could see, the metaverse can become a business medium and a place full of new opportunities, since today humanity is undergoing certain changes that favor adapting very quickly. So the key to this virtual world is that it can be fully immersive.

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One of the biggest trends in virtual reality.

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The pandemic has been the necessary driver for many companies to bet on digital transformation in the last two years