Retaining exceptional talent

The following article is intended to inform companies about the importance of retaining their workers. As is known, a company that seeks to remain in the labor market must have the security of the stay of its employees. The positive result of a company is due to the workforce that is based on it. In addition, the hiring, incorporation and replacement of an employee can cost around 50% and 60% of their annual salary.


Similarly, hiring is not an easy process, and a lot of time, energy and money is spent on constantly changing staff.

It’s normal to lose some employees along the way, but it’s important that companies not be the ones to cause employees to leave. To avoid these situations, the most effective thing is to make a retention plan, since it is a basic tool to keep your talent. Here are some things that HR uses to keep their employees happy and engaged.


  1. A good hiring: when hiring a new employee, it should be taken into account if the candidate is suitable for the company culture and see that their values connect with ours. Likewise, honesty and transparency with the candidate are essential so that the subject sees if the position is what he is really looking for and does not create false expectations.
  2. Motivational communication with employees: Giving positive feedback to employees from time to time increases motivation and happiness in the workplace.
  3. Offer continuous training and professional development: providing continuous training to staff makes them see growth within the company and set bigger goals within it.
  4. Welfare programs: think of workers as people and not as machines, overloading a worker causes him to leave the company or there is a greater frequency of casualties. Mitigating the stress of collaborators is important to see work improvements.
  5. Create a flexible work environment: Due to the pandemic, workers discovered the benefits of working at home, and that is why this new trend enters the highlights of staff retention, since workers know that a hybrid job improves your quality of life.

And these are some of the points that HR teams occupy for staff retention. Do you already use any? Do you think that more companies should look after their workers more?

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