CRYPTOCURRENCIES with economic potential

Throughout the pandemic, this virtual reality that had been emerging since January 9, 2009 began to develop further, Nakamoto released version 0.1 of the Bitcoin client (Bitcoin Core), this being open source software that connected multiple computers with each other.


At the end of 2021 the topic of “CRYPTOCURRENCIES” has been on everyone’s lips and with a very high probability that this topic will be top in 2022 and the years that follow. Because virtual reality or augmented reality, better known as METAVERSOS, has caused a great boom in the country’s economic growth. Many investors are choosing to invest in cryptocurrencies due to the great revaluation that they have had according to some experts.

What is a cryptocurrency?

Digital currencies that are exchanged online are known as cryptocurrency or cryptocurrencies. These are only stored as digital currencies because they do not have a physical representation.

How do cryptocurrencies work?

These have different characteristics compared to traditional systems, because they are not regulated or controlled by any institution and do not require intermediaries in their transactions. They are not considered a means of payment, nor do they have the backing of a central bank or other authorities. They are not covered by any type of insurance that offers a guarantee.


The value of cryptocurrencies varies depending on supply, demand, and user commitments.

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Currently the pandemic made a technological change at a social, educational, labor and economic level

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