The pandemic has brought a new life experience, it put us in situations never experienced before, but above all it brought a new version of everything we knew, with which we had grown and evolved as a society. Given this, we were forced to the need to transform certain aspects of science and technology more quickly, from accelerating the vaccination process, creating possible vaccines against the virus, to creating new forms of personal, work and educational socialization.



This new reality has broken with the stigmas of social coexistence with which we developed as individuals, it has proposed new possible ways of generating income, but above all it has made the virtual world the new real world.

Virtuality is the essence of today’s societies, we now live in two realities, and possibly the third will come.

The third reality will converge with the physical, and the virtual, now we can teleport from one world to another, thanks to the metaverse, the new technological revolution that we could call the post-pandemic reality.

The home office became popular with the pandemic, and it is here to stay, in fact many companies seek to align themselves with the possible metaverse. For the consulting firm PwC, the training sector has much to gain from a virtual office environment.

The world in three dimensions: METAVERSE, what is it?

Mark Zuckerberg has described it as a “virtual environment” that you can enter, instead of looking at a screen. It is a world of infinite virtual communities, where you can play, work, meet people, and interact with an environment that seems physical through augmented reality glasses.


Victoria Petrock, Emerging Technology Analyst, said in this regard that the metaverse is the next evolution of connectivity, where all these things start to come together in an integrated universe that mimics our own, so that you live your virtual life the same way you live online. your physical life.

Already! It’s time to live three realities, because the metaverse aims to make the internet a more real world than it already seems.


“Virtual reality is already invigorating training programs in various industries by opening up environments that would be expensive, dangerous or limited in the real world.”

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Information and communication technologies have opened new paths for us. Because we live in a world of inequalities.

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It is a work modality in which workers can carry out their activities remotely.