The Global Institute for Digital Competitiveness is an international platform to promote creation and growth of companies.

About gidcomp

Our purpose is to enhance the well-being of communities by creating and developing businesses through a deep understanding of the factors of competitiveness, allowing the generation of value and economic growth for our stakeholders.

At the same time, we contribute to abolish inequality in the economy and in the employment generation.


To help build an egalitarian world by providing access to new skills, tools and networks.


To enhance the well-being of stakeholders through business.


To foster ecosystems to develop their own competences in order to create new business opportunities.


To empower the well-being of stakeholders through business.

Our history

Derived from the pandemic caused by COVID-19 that impacted and collapsed the global economy, a new more technological economic and business system was born, in which we can see the growth of global inequality between those who have and do not have access to entrepreneurship ecosystems, better business regulation, financing systems and sources, and access to education and technology.

Horizones Consulting promoted the creation of the Global Institute for Digital Competitiveness with the objective of developing links, connections and best business practices to any community that requires it, through its networking, reports and in-depth research on competitiveness factors.

Who are we?

Advisory Board

Integrated by an expert member from each of the stakeholders we serve: governments, academia, companies, associations and consumers.

Our people

We are a group of people passionate about business and competitiveness, who carry out research and networking for the improvement of localities through collaboration with different interest groups.

Vice Presidents


Multinational companies, medium-sized enterprises and emerging technology start-ups

Government and international organizations

Support the improvement of their business ecosystems and cooperative alliances.

Civil Society

Be a forum with spaces for different civil society organizations such as NGOs, trade unions, which promotes collaboration models and social innovation.


The Global Institute for Digital Competitiveness is a community committed to improving business capabilities.

Role models

Introduce start-up leaders as role models for medium-sized companies that manage to scale their ventures to large enterprises.

Academy and Science

Become a HUB for research in management and technology applied to business by conducting world-class research.

Media outlets

Seek collaboration with local and international media to support the improvement of entrepreneurial ecosystems.


How does the Global Institute for Digital Competitiveness get involved?

Invites you to analyze competitiveness factors by company size
Generating collaborations with market researchers with a deep understanding of it
Development of market research by industry
Support in the acceleration and transformation of medium-sized companies through an online system.
Understanding competitiveness factors through the Business Sonar