Global Digital Week:
Transformación Digital

The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted the world in all aspects and collapsed the global economy, since a growth in inequality has been evidenced among those who have access to entrepreneurial ecosystems, sources of financing, education and technology, therefore many Companies have begun to evaluate their strategies, even so the challenges of this crisis have generated opportunities for organizations to adapt to a new reality, where digital transformation is the door to great changes in growth and competitiveness.

A new digital experience begins: The Global Digital Week

An international event whose objective is to reduce the digital gap, improve the technological capabilities of organizations, with the purpose of increasing levels of productivity, efficiency, and advantages for competitive growth, and even enhance the well-being of communities that do not have access to connectivity. Therefore, its intention is to promote ties, connections and business development through technology and digitization factors, which is why today every company absolutely needs these tools.


Global Digital Week seeks to connect its audiences from February 21 to 25, 2022 through a technological and innovation summit, where more than 200 speakers specialized in technology will have the mission of cultivating and presenting their ideas, knowledge, tools and experiences in this country. Designing smart technological solutions, based on projects such as: Smart Cities, Business Tech, E-Commerce, Digital Sustainability, Well Being Technologies, Digitalization with Social Impact, Public Policies, and Ed Tech.


Get ready for a cycle of continuous improvement that will boost and develop your economic growth, creating an efficient, more sustainable and equitable world, since the concept of digitization is a new way of how industries work today, renewing the business mentality, generating opportunities business and produce new markets.


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Information and communication technologies have opened new paths for us. Because we live in a world of inequalities.

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Digital development is the door to great changes and opportunities.