Are you prepared to lead the latest technologies?

In recent years with the COVID-19 pandemic, we have found new innovative inventions thanks to technology, but more than anything, there has been a boom in e-commerce, starting from online clothing stores to cosmetic and decoration products, however Nowadays, most companies are betting on an innovation such as augmented reality, which is characterized by being an interactive experience of adding virtual elements in real time.

Did you ever believe it possible?

Thus, according to the data collected, this discipline was introduced for the first time in the 1960s, developed at Harvard by Professor Iván Sutherland, but it was not taken into account until the 1990s under the name of augmented reality, which It was devised by Tom Caudell, hired by the Boeing8 company in the United States, who discovered it when he designed glasses and virtual dashboards to make the work of airline employees easier. In 1992 onwards it began to expand and be used by large companies, although it has not been as important as it is today.


Since then its use has increased every day, due to technological advances and the digital world in which we live, since interesting proposals have emerged from the experience of Internet users and companies, because augmented reality has made it possible for us to visualize the real world in an unimaginable way, however, due to its characteristics it is often confused with virtual reality but there is a difference between them: virtual reality takes the user to a world that does not exist, while augmented reality keeps the consumer in interaction with the real world.

This is where augmented reality with E-Commerce plays a fundamental role today, as a new impetus for online marketing, where stores can sell virtual objects in a real world and generate differential value for the user by offering innovative and eye-catching formats. that make consumers curious. There are even some brands that are using applications with augmented reality in electronic commerce.

As they are: Ikea, a company that makes it easy for buyers to see how the furniture looks in their homes, and to be able to decide between one piece of furniture and another, before making the purchase.

On the other hand, Lacoste, which created an augmented reality application where customers could scan the products in three dimensions, and finally, Amazon, which included this modality to show how the products would look in a real context.


So, can you imagine how you can transform your surroundings just one click away? and Are you ready to make this a reality in your daily life and in your business? Now it is possible to connect your imagination with augmented reality and have within your reach what you never thought possible before.



López Camarero, R. (June 2020). Final degree project, augmented reality in E-Commerce. Faculty of Commerce of the University of Valladolid. Uvadoc. Retrieved from: https://uvadoc.uva.es/bitstream/handle/10324/41930/TFG-J-156.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

(October 21, 2021). Applications of augmented reality in ecommerce. IPMARK. Retrieved from: https://ipmark.com/aplicaciones-de-la-reidad-augmentada-en-ecommerce/

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The online sales industry or the so-called “E-commerce” had an exponential boom due to the pandemic, which required the population to stay in their homes.