Did you know that smart cities optimize your services and processes, and now it is accesible to the public?

Currently, cities have an average of 3,500 million inhabitants and it is estimated that in 2030 the population will increase to 5,000 million per city, living in large urban complexes, In recent years the migration of the population from rural areas to large cities, encouraging a mega challenge that encompasses various aspects at a social, environmental, economic, technological, educational level etc.

Therefore, the rapid growth of the city in recent years has generated problems, pressure and at the same time the transformation of the environment and its society, this is where the concept of an intelligent city appears, which achieve a better quality of life with emphasis on their welfare and social justice, and on the care of their resources. It should be noted that in order to meet these demands, the goal of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations is to make cities and communities more sustainable, and that companies, public administrations and even citizens must take into account that The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) are the basis for a city to function properly. 


In this way, it is relevant to mention the most important aspects that must be taken into account to achieve a more sustainable city, and optimizer of services and processes, such as: the protection of the environment, betting on clean energy and construction. responsibility, support for sustainable mobility, smart governance, new business models that contribute to technology and digitization, and lastly, social aspects where there is equality for all.

Although for many people, these pillars are difficult to meet, this is where I show you some examples of countries that have implemented this concept of smart cities, and that have met these fundamental aspects: quality of life, care for the planet, business opportunities. and economic benefits.

In New York, hundreds of sensors and smart technologies were tested and placed in different districts of the city, as part of its 2020 smart city pilot program.


On the other hand, Stockholm, the Swedish capital that leads the ranking in environmental management due to investment in sustainable infrastructure, low emissions and good air quality.

Also Curitiba, which is a Brazilian city famous for its traffic management and for combining green areas with asphalt and having an average of 52 square meters of nature around it, and finally, Amsterdam, which stood out for remaining innovative, due to the use of renewable energy for electric garbage trucks, installing solar-powered bus stops, billboards and lights, and for the smart construction of floating villages.

So, have you ever dreamed of a cheaper, organized Smart City just a click away? Thus, the cities of the future, today optimize your services and processes, and are within everyone’s reach, where technology comes to life.



Bella, E. 2021. ¿Qué es una Smart City? Descubra la tendencia que verá en 2022.IEBS. Tomado de:https://www.iebschool.com/blog/smart-cities-ciudades-inteligentes-innovacion/

2021. Top 7 Smart Cities in The World. EARTH.ORG. Tomado de:https://earth.org/top-7-smart-cities-in-the-world/

2019. El ciclo de la innovación humana y las Smart Cities . Incubicon. Tomado de:https://blog.incubicon.com/el-ciclo-de-la-innovaci%C3%B3n-urbana-y-las-smart-cities

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