new forms of online sales: live streaming ecommerce

Now online shopping uses resources that raise brand awareness through live broadcasts, how does this work?

The online sales industry or the so-called “E-commerce” had an exponential boom due to the pandemic, which required the population to stay in their homes. This accelerated the entire society, leading it to a new reality, where adapting to new technologies became a necessity, that is how people began to live with them, to make them part of each individual’s daily life.

The online shopping ecosystem has gone from one side to the other, seeking to align itself with the continuous needs of users, it is not just online shopping, it is connecting thousands and millions of people in a global commerce landscape. Now, we are all able to access stores from different parts of the world, and these products will arrive at the door of our homes.

is the emergence of new forms of digital promotion and product sales have been present, one of them is live streaming e-commerce.

E-commerce live streaming is a commercial trend that has had great success in China with the appearance of Alibaba’s Taobao Live application in 2016. This new online sales model uses entertainment as a resource while it is broadcast live, that is, , generates a live sale through different digital platforms.

¿How did live broadcasts become virtual stores?

The purpose of every brand is to be seen, but for that it must generate engagement, that is, a certain emotional connection between the consumer and the brand. But with the changes that have occurred in recent years, these connections have been transformed, now to reach users it must be done through digital platforms (facebook, instagram, youtube, tiktok, etc.), which they harbor a set of emotions that could be called “digital”.

E-commerce livestreaming meets two specific objectives: to humanize the brand, through live broadcasts that show what is behind the construction of the brand, allowing objective number two to be fulfilled, the sale of products. Once the user creates a connection with the brand, they will want to buy that connection, that is, the product that it sells.

It is more than clear that live streaming e-commerce is more than a momentary trend. This form of online sales will be essential for the success of those brands that seek to adapt to the changes of the digital age. Is your brand ready to be part of the new future of online commerce?

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